Keiki Ministry
It was said that D.L. Moody had come back from a tent revival meeting where he reported that 2 1/2 people were saved. Whoever he was talking to replied, “You mean, two adults and one child?” D.L. Moody responded, “No, two children and one adult. When you save a child, you save a life—a whole life.” Here at Ocean View Baptist Church,…
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Weekly Bible Study The importance of a men’s ministry in the local church cannot be overestimated and Jesus is our primary focus and example for a men’s ministry. He lived life with other men; he kept some very close and kept others as friends. Older men have the duty to be a model of godliness for the younger men and the…
Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry at Ocean View Baptist Church is here to help women connect and support each other in a fun and loving environment. Through weekly gatherings, we are trying to to encourage women of all ages to be strong, Godly women. We hope you will join us as we grow in our relationship with God and each other. The Bible Study…
Global Missions
Mission and Vision of the Southern Baptist Convention PURPOSE … eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the Baptist denomination of Christians, for the propagation of the gospel, any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.- Charter of the Southern Baptist Convention, December 27, 1845 MISSION STATEMENT As a convention of churches, our missional vision is to present the…