Men’s Weekly Bible Study
The importance of a men’s ministry in the local church cannot be overestimated and Jesus is our primary focus and example for a men’s ministry. He lived life with other men; he kept some very close and kept others as friends. Older men have the duty to be a model of godliness for the younger men and the younger men have the duty to give respect, remain humble, and honor the older men. (1Tim5:1, Tit2:2,6-8). Together we sharpen one other in our walk with the Lord and our testimony to the world. Men need a forum and a place to forge good strong friendships and that is what we are striving for. It is our goal to provide a place where men can build Christ-centered, trusting relationships, where they can help, encourage, and equip each other to grow in Christ-likeness, serve others in need and evangelize the lost.
In our weekly Men’s meeting, we have the chance to be real with our brothers in Christ, grow in our friendships, admit our own mistakes and failures, and use the lessons that God has taught us to encourage one another. It’s a great place to unite in Bible study, prayer, ministry, fellowship and accountability.
We meet every Thursday morning at 9:30 AM at at the Church property. Click here for directions.