Stepping into any new environment for the first time can be a little intimidating. This is just as true of a church as it is of anywhere else. For this reason we want to give you an idea of what to expect when you come. We hope you’ll find the Ocean View Baptist Church (OVBC) church family to be just that … a family. We laugh often, talk a lot, make mistakes, share life, and grow together. We have many diverse interests and personalities, but what we have in common is Jesus Christ.
When you arrive on a Sunday, easy parking is available for you just inside the green gate at the entrance to the church property. If you’re visiting for the first time, you can relax. We won’t ask you to stand up. We have newcomers every week. Many want to check out our church in a quiet way for a while, and that’s fine with us. Come enjoy and see if our church is right for you.
Feel free to dress up or dress casual. Come in what is comfortable for you, because OVBC is not about what you look like or what you wear. Music and preaching is always centered upon God through Jesus Christ and we strive to worship in Spirit and in Truth using both new songs and old songs of the faith.
We encourage you to bring your Bible in whatever format is most comfortable for you. Many join us for gatherings and read scriptures from their smartphone mobile device.
Our services usually last about an hour and a half, from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Stay and visit afterward if you can. Come check us out. We would love to meet you.