Being Salt and Light in Ocean View, HI

12 Week Apologetic Class Starting

Tues. Jan 10, 2017 at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  Held at 92-8767 Hawaii Blvd. Ocean View. Map and Directions here.

Designed to introduce a comprehensive range of apologetic arguments and strategies, Foundations of Apologetics features lectures by RZIM’s team of apologists including Ravi Zacharias, Michael Ramsden, John Lennox, Stuart McAllister, Alister McGrath, and Amy Orr-Ewing

Students of this rigorous curriculum will become adept at recognizing the many worldviews influencing our culture and equipped to challenge the assumptions of these worldviews.It is our prayer you will find the studies foster not only knowledge but also cultivate the skills to communicate that knowledge in a way that is winsome and effective.Contains twelve teaching DVDs and one data CD containing twelve printable PDF booklets and twelve PowerPoint slideshows of each volume for the group leader.

It is our prayer you will find the studies foster not only knowledge but also cultivate the skills to communicate that knowledge in a way that is winsome and effective. Contains twelve teaching DVDs and one data CD containing twelve printable PDF booklets and twelve PowerPoint slideshows of each volume for the group leader.



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