Being Salt and Light in Ocean View, HI

Soap Box Test

This is a test of the parent page feature of this church template. It is using the blog template.

Media Embeds

WordPress lets you embed video, audio and other media directly into your content. Read the Embeds page on for details. You can also upload your own audio and video files to be embedded into your content. This theme adds responsive support for embeds so that they look nice on mobile devices. Here are a few media embeds in action. YouTube Vimeo…

Custom Pages

The theme has features for showing your homepage, sermons, events, locations and people (staff). WordPress itself includes blogging, photo galleries and the ability to create pages with your own content. You can create an unlimited number of pages and link to them from your menu and other places. Page Ideas About Us What We Believe What to Expect Ministries Giving Missions Small…


There are many solutions available for online giving that work with WordPress. It is possible to create a button that links to a payment form hosted by your giving solution provider. It is also possible to embed a form for collecting tithes and offerings directly on your website. Some solutions have options for setting up recurring giving. Please see How can we…