Certainty and Uncertainty Last week Blessing and curse of tradition Designed by God to bring us to remembrance and lead us into worship To remember His law and admonitions To remember His great works Perverted by Satan to lead us into meaningless repetition and fruitless religiosity and to take us captive through worldly traditions This…
The Blessing and Curse of Tradition Last week Some principles of biblical interpretation Descriptive vs prescriptive Need to look behind the text to find principles and deeper understanding Need to compare with other scripture Is it in keeping with what we see generally Nature of God and man Nature of God’s purpose and plan Is…
A Fresh Look at the Church and Our Understanding We come to the fifth sermon in the series out of Philemon In actuality, we finished our study of Philemon last week We looked at the examples of Onesimus, Philemon, and Paul We looked at the meaning, origin, and effects of the “fellowship of the faith”…
This morning we come to our fourth study from Paul’s letter to Philemon. Up to this point, we have examined the lives of the characters involved Life of Onesimus A picture of our “lostness” and enslavement to sin and culture A picture of restoration and hope Life of Philemon An example of godly conduct and…
Lessons from the life of Paul Last week; Life of Onesimus A picture of our “lostness” and enslavement to sin and culture A picture of restoration and hope Useless to useful Slave to free Enemy to friend Distant to beloved Also looked at the life of Philemon An example of godly conduct and service Built…
Lessons from the life of Philemon Last week we looked at an introduction to the letter to Philemon We saw that it is a very unique epistle… different from all his others Cast of characters is Onesimus, a runaway slave, Philemon, the slave owner, and the apostle Paul, their spiritual “father” Written by Paul to…
Philemon; one of the many epistles written by Paul Paul was inspired by God to write more of the New Testament than any other writer Types of letters/epistles To the churches Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae, and Thessalonica Instructive and theological in nature Fleshing out of the gospel, its meaning and purpose, and effect…