“With great power comes great responsibility.” This was not only the last words from Uncle Ben to Peter Parker aka spiderman, it is also God’s word to us in James 5:1-6. Learn more in today’s lesson.
“With great power comes great responsibility.” This was not only the last words from Uncle Ben to Peter Parker aka spiderman, it is also God’s word to us in James 5:1-6. Learn more in today’s lesson.
In this episode Pastor Tim looks at James 4:13-17. The message today is not talked about very often in church. We look at how our speech changes when we understand the sovereignty of God in our heart. How we can commit sins of omission and sin of commission, and that we need to invest in…
In this episode Pastor Tim looks at Pride From James 4:6-12. Using the example of athletes and how they can sometimes be prideful. He also talks about the difference between Running from Temptation and Resisting the Devil.
Pastor Tim uses some slogans from advertisement to show how people can be selfish. He then shows the contrast that is shown in James 4:1-5.
In this episode Pastor Tim looks a wisdom. How to get it and the many benefits it does in our lives once we have it.
In this episode Pastor Tim looks contrasts James 3:1 with Hebrews 5:12 and answers the question, “Should we seek out the roll of being a teacher.” We also look and the problems of speech and some great application that this part of James gives us in our lives.
In this episode Pastor Tim show how faith is measure not by our emotions but by the works we do (FaithWorks). He also give us some practical benefits to understanding FaithWorks.
In this episode Pastor Tim looks and the problem of addiction and the blueprint of breaking addiction as found in James 1:13-15. Some of the other item Pastor Tim talks about are. Temptation – Lust – Sin – Death – Preoccupation – Ritualization – Acting out Tim also give action steps for Breaking Addiction like:…
Pastor Tim introduces the book of James and covers James 1:1-12. He covers many things including: -trials – faith – perseverance – being mature and complete – wisdom -wealth.