Being Salt and Light in Ocean View, HI

Sermons from 2017 (Page 4)

Blind Not Dumb

Pastor Tim teaches on the healing of the Man born Blind in John 9. He emphasizes the witness of the Blind Man. This is the 6th sign in the book of John. 1.  Water to Wine Ch. 2 2.  Healing of the Nobleman  Ch. 4 3.  The Impotent Man  Ch 5 4.  The Feeding of…

The Bread of Life

In this message, Pastor Tim preaches on John 6:22-59. Jesus declares Himself to be  “The Bread of Life”. This is the first of the 7 “I Am” statements of Christ and as the Bread of Life He gives us: *  Everlasting LIfe (vs. 26-34), *  Satisfying LIfe (vs. 35-36), *  Resurrection LIfe (vs. 37-47), * …

Liar, Lunatic or Lord

Pastor Tim continues his series on the Gospel of John, teaching from John 5:17-47. Christ claimed to be equal to God in Nature, Power, and Authority: all judgement, life, and resurrection are in His hands.  The testimony of others also testified to His deity:  The witness of John the Baptist, the witness of His works,…